Friday, January 15, 2010

Fun Family Moments

Happy Birthday to Ethan!! He's 2 years old now!!! Oops, sorry, forgot to rotate the cake picture and now I don't know how :P If you just tilt your head a little to the left...

Someone REALLY enjoyed his birthday cake!!

Little Miss Maya loves giving her daddy kisses. She adores him! I can't say I blame her...

Kids ALWAYS have to wear their parents shoes :D

Here's one for you Uncle Scott!

We had fun making crowns with the kids. When James put his on, Aleena said, "Oh, how cute, Daddy! You look like a Pwincess!!"


Mike and Marisa Compton said...

lol, it took me a minute to put the right caption with the right picture. Those are so fun! You're kiddos are getting big!

Sarah said...

Oh my GOSH! I LOVE thoes pictures. I love the picture with Aleena standing over the vent. ha ha ha, that makes me laugh.

Sean & Meagan said...

oh my goodness!!!! Have I told you how flippin adorable the lit'luns are?!!! I miss you guys all so much!!! How are you? Hows life...did I mention adorable!!! Love ya!